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From The Pastor's desk

Watch this week's service here

Welcome Letter from the Pastor’s Desk


Greetings, in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

It is my sincere pleasure to welcome you to New Visions where our motto is “same bible, same church… vision.” NVMBC is an exciting place to join with others on the journey of seeking a meaningful and purposeful life. Our church is a home for the whole family to learn about God in a way that is not practical but also fun!

What does NVMBC family look like? We are a purposely intergenerational body of believers, celebrating the diversity of our lives together. Young, not so young, married, single, widowed, different ethnic backgrounds, different economic circumstance.  All facets of life are represented in our family. Are we perfect? Far from it but we know who is; it is he who we strive to not only emulate, but draw closer to. Though imperfect, we are a church family with deep roots and a compassionate heart towards the needs of Gods people around us and throughout the world.

Dear Beloved, we are looking for similarly imperfect but passionate people who would like to join in this great adventure of being God’s visible representatives. My prayer is that you read this welcome letter with a sense of anticipation of where we’re heading and how you can participate in our vision at NVMBC. My prayer also, is that you become an active participant in this great movement of God more so than in the membership. Here at NVMBC, we believe that you should never let good, better and best rest, until you’re good is better and your better is best.

In closing, I want you to always remember these words, “The world loves to add tangible value to those that are of the world, our mission here at NVMBC, is not of the world, and it is to add tangible value and intangible (Spiritual) value to your life.


Pastor Craig A. Burns




Keep up with everything we have going on here at New Visions MBC! 

Every 2nd & 4th Saturday

NVMBC Food Bank

Family & Friends Day

October 13

NOv 10

Pastor's Anniversary


Our church prayer line is live every Sunday at 7 PM for Sunday Night Prayer.

To join call 1(978) 990-5164 and join with the Access Code 755 546#

“Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” 

Proverbs 19:17

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